Life Skills
- John D Rockfeller was once the richest man in the world. The first billionaire in the world. By age 25, he controlled one of the largest oil refineries in the US. By age 31, he had become the world’s largest oil refiner. By age 38, he commanded 90% of the oil refined in the U.S. By 50, he was the richest man in the country. As a young man, every decision, attitude, and relationship was tailored to create his personal power and wealth.
- But at the age of 53, he became ill. His entire body became racked with pain and he lost all of his hair. In complete agony, the world’s only billionaire could buy anything he wanted, but he could only digest soup and crackers. An associate wrote, He could not sleep, would not smile and nothing in life meant anything to him. His personal, highly skilled physicians predicted he would die within a year. That year passed agonizingly slowly.
- As he approached death he awoke one morning with the vague realisation of not being able to take any of his wealth with him into the next world. The man who could control the business world suddenly realized he was not in control of his own life. He was left with a choice.
- He called his attorneys, accountants, and managers and announced that he wanted to channel his Assets to Hospitals, Research, and Charity work. John D. Rockefeller established his Foundation. This new direction eventually led to the discovery of penicillin, cures for malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria.
- But perhaps the most amazing part of Rockefeller’s story is that the moment he began to give back a portion of all that he had earned, his body’s chemistry was altered so significantly that he got better. It looked as if he would die at 53 but he lived to be 98. Rockefeller learned gratitude and gave back the vast majority of his wealth. Doing so made him whole. It is one thing to be healed. It is another to be made whole.
- Before his death, he wrote this in his dairy, “The Supreme Energy taught me, that everything belongs to him, and I am only a channel to comply his wishes. My life has been one long, happy holiday; Full of work and full of play I dropped the worry on the way and God was good to me every day.”
The whole world paused this morning. Do you know why? Because an 8 year old’s tank was empty.
The kids had already started their school day at their desks and I was preparing to leave for work when I noticed my littlest standing in the bathroom wiping his face.
I paused at the door and asked if he was okay. He looked up with tears silently dripping and shook his head. When I questioned if something happened, again he shook his head.
So I sat on the side of the tub and pulled him in my lap. I told him sometimes our heart tanks feel empty and need to be refilled.
He cried into my chest and I held tight.
I asked if he could feel my love filling him up?
A nod, and tears stopped…
I waited a minute…
‘Has it reached your toes yet?’
He shook his head no…
‘Okay man. We will take as long as you need. Work doesn’t matter right now. School isn’t important either. This right here, is the most important thing today, okay? Filling you back to the top. Is that good?’
One more minute…
‘Is your heart full of mamas love now?’
looks in his eyes ‘I see it shining in there, you’re full to the top, and you’re smiling!’
You may not be 8 – you may be 28, 38, 48 or whatever- but ALL of us run on empty just like he did. His week was so busy and so full and his little soul was just dry!
We all have to pause, and take a moment to refill with the good things. prayer, sunshine, laughter, friends, hugs. Refill your empty, or you’ll find those emotions (tears, anger, snappy words) overflowing with no reason why.
_*Take a moment. Refill. It’s the most important part of your day
Whatever comes your way as you journey into the New Year, remember the lesson of this story…👇
A little girl and her Mother visited the country store, and upon leaving the store, the owner of the store offered the little girl some free Sweets… “Get a hand full of Sweets”, the merchant said to the little girl.
The girl just stood there looking up at her Mother. The owner repeated himself:- “Child get a hand full of Sweets… it’s free.” Again the girl did not move, continuing to look up in the face of her Mother.
Finally her Mother reached into the candy jar and got a hand full of Sweets and gave it to the child.
As they walked back home, the mother stopped and asked her daughter, why she did not grab a hand full of the free candy. The girl with a big smile on her face looked into the face of her Mother and said:- “Because I know that your HAND is BIGGER than mine.”
So, whatever your needs are for 2021, please place them in His Hands because HIS HANDS ARE BIGGER THAN YOURS.
Have a blessed 2021!
May God shower you all with good health, abundance of wealth, happiness, laughter and peace of mind!
Someone Somewhere needs to hear it
We all need this. ❤️Had to share.
I was at a store today and heard a loud crash and something shattering. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound and saw some people whispering and looking back to the end of the next aisle.
When I walked down that aisle, I saw an older lady had hit a shelf and many things had fallen to the ground and broken..
She was kneeling on the floor embarrassed, frantically trying to clean up.
I felt so bad for her. Everyone was just standing there staring at her. So I went and knelt beside her and told her not to worry and started helping her pick up the broken pieces.😥 After about a minute, the store manager came and knelt beside us and said, “Leave it, we will clean this up.”
The lady, totally embarrassed said, “I need to pay for all this.” The manager smiled, helped her to her feet and said, “No ma’am, we have insurance for this, you do not have to pay anything!” If you have read this far, give me another minute..🤗
Wherever you are, close your eyes, and imagine God doing the same for you!
Imagine the broken pieces of your mistakes or the pieces of your broken heart from all the blows life has thrown at you all over the floor and you’re there trying to collect all of the pieces and fix them yourself. 🙋
Now imagine God comes and kneels right down beside you, smiles and says to you, “Leave it all there, I will clean this up for you.”
He loves you that much and wants to put all of those pieces back together if you will let Him! With Him we have this insurance and it’s called GRACE! It’s free! All you have to do is ask Him to help you, and to heal you. He’s faithful, I promise! ❤️
Share this like I did. Someone somewhere needs to hear it.💕
The Power of Love(Attributed to Albert Einstein)
Life Lessons

A positive message
A beautiful message
Wings Animated Short Film
Piper Disney Oscar Winning Short Film
Happiness Quote
Lesson 'Happiness'
A teacher brought balloons to school and asked the children to blow them all up and then each write their names on their balloon. They tossed all the balloons into the hall while the teacher mixed them from one end to the other. The teacher then gave them 5 minutes to find the balloon with their name on it. The children ran around, looking frantically but as the time ran out – nobody had found their own balloon… Then the teacher told them to take the balloon closest to them and give it to the person who’s name was on it. In less than 2 minutes everyone had their own balloon.
Finally the teacher said, “Balloons are like happiness. No one will find it looking for theirs only. Instead if everyone cares about each others they will find theirs as quickly as possible.” 🎈
"Life" - A Silent, Smart & Simple Short Film!